
In up to 70% of cases, pedophiles can sexually abuse children repeatedly


The chemical castration of pedophiles must be used selectively because it won’t have the expected effect every time. The risks of recidivism in the case of pedophiles, when a person continues to commit crimes, are different and depend on the distinct features and category of which the pedophile forms part. In order to make sure that the children are safe in the street, at school and even at home, they must be informed so that they know what is good and what is bad and are encouraged to talk openly to the parents. Contacted by Info-Prim Neo, the head of the Psychology and Social Assistance Division of the Department of Penitentiary Institutions, Major Iuliana Adam said there are several groups of persons who are sexually attracted to children. The classical pedophile will never marry and will not have a pair. This person will touch the child, but will not try to do harm to him. The classical pedophiles are exposed to the highest risk of recidivism. In up to 70% of the cases, when out of prison, they return to the old ‘habits’. The pseudophiles have a socially adapted behavior. They are married and can be bisexuals. They are dangerous, especially because they often choose professions that allow them to be among children – they are teachers or trainers. They can be also priests. The risk of recidivism in this category is of up to 50%. The lowest percentage of recidivism, of 7%, is in the case of incest, when the fathers molest the children or this happens between siblings. Psychologist Iuliana Adam said it is hard to change the pedophile’s way of thinking and acting. Over the last five years, 15 pedophiles were repeatedly held accountable in Moldova for acts of sexual character against minors. Most often, the pedophiles are over 30, or even over 60. “Most of the pedophiles I met are persons who are concerned about the children and try to demonstrate this care and hide their sexual desires. There were cases when persons convicted of such offenses proposed teaching a foreign language to minors. It is an ordinary behavior for them,” said Iuliana Adam. Foreign citizens convicted of child sexual abuse also serve sentences in Moldova’s penitentiaries. As to the legislative initiative to chemically castrate the pedophiles, which was put forward in Parliament, Iuliana Adam said this punishment should be set for every case separately. “Criminologists, sociologists and psychologists should be involved to make a through analysis of such a case so that the court takes a correct decision,” said the psychologist. According to Iuliana Adam, the chemical castration is not a solution for the cases of incest as the risk of recidivism for this category of pedophiles is 7%. In the case of classical pedophiles, where the risk is 70%, the court can take such a decision. The legislative initiative on the chemical castration was proposed by Liberal MP Valeriu Munteanu. According to the lawmakers, the number of cases of child sexual abuse over the past five years rose two or three times. A number of 54 persons were sentenced for rape in 2006, while in 2010 this number rose to 88. In 2006, 18 persons were sentenced for violent acts of sexual character, while in 2010 – 33. The same year, there were reported 13 cases of sexual relations with a person younger than 16, while in 2010 – 42 offenses. Valeriu Munteanu considers that chemical castration can significantly reduce these figures. He gave as example other countries that used this method and decreased the cases of sexual abuse and rape several times. Children’s ombudswoman Tamara Plamadeala said that the number of abusers is on the rise in Moldova and awareness-raising campaigns should be carried out to explain to the children what is good and what is bad. She related the incident that happened at the children’s camp “Andries” in Ivancea village, Orhei last summer, when two children aged 7 and 8 complained that they were abused by a minor aged 10. According to the Department of Penitentiary Institutions, 167 persons who committed acts of sexual character against minors are serving time in Moldova’s prisons. The harshest punishment is for the rape of a person under 14 - 10 to 20 years in jail or life imprisonment. [Irina Ursu, Info-Prim Neo]