
In the period of January-September the customs income reached MDL 4 billion 674 million 713 thousand


In the period of January-September the customs income have been MDL 4 billion 674 million 713 thousand, an increase of 665 million 878 thousand compared to the same period of 2005. According to statistics of the Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova, the planned amount of MDL 4 billion 511 million 482 thousand set for the Customs Service was exceeded by MDL 163 million 230 thousand. The percentages of customs fees, Value Added Tax and the customs procedures in the overall customs income have increased compared to the same period of 2005, and have been with 38% more than the customs procedures, 24% more for VAT and with 2.5% more for customs taxes. The auditors of customs bureaus have done 123 controls of the activity of economic agents, and found undeclared merchandise with an overall value of MDL 2 million 175 thousand, resulting in fines of MDL 300 thousand 792 and recomputed customs fees of MDL 663 thousand. In the same time, a new customs activity method proved to be effective – patrol of the auto routes by mobile crews. This gives the possibility to discipline the economic agents, and also can overrule corruption cases and cases of avoidance of payment foreseen by the legislation. In the mentioned period the penal bodies from the customs service have done 2559 verbal processes on customs violation, have forwarded 62 penal cases, have confiscated merchandise and objects with a value of MDL 446 thousand 603. As a result of the sanctions applied for customs violation the state budget was supplied with MDL 1 million 998 thousand 231.