
In NATO’s viewpoint, Moldova and Romania move to center of Europe


The war in Ukraine changes the strategic center of Europe and Romania becomes a country that is not only strategically relevant but is also economically, politically and technologically relevant, NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană stated in the international conference “NATO and the War in Ukraine” that was held in Iasi last weekend, IPN reports.

Mircea Geoană noted that the surroundings are a challenge for Romania to become a country not only strategically relevant, but also a country with economic, political and technological relevance. Romania should profit from the new reality that appeared after the invasion of the Ukrainian territory.

The official reminded of the statement made by the German Chancellor in Prague several weeks ago, who said that Russia chose to separate itself from Europe and the center of gravity of Europe moved to the East.

“This is not a simple strategic observation. I think this new situation in Europe creates conditions for the strategic relevance of the countries on the eastern flank, including Romania, which is extremely strategic for us, to become also economically, politically and technologically relevant. The center of gravity moves to the East. The center of gravity moves to a new reality from which we should profit,” stated Mircea Geoană.

The NATO official also considers that eastern Romania will become much more important for investments and for business.

“I think eastern Romania, the eastern flank, the whole Romanian Moldova, the whole Bucovina and the whole Maramures can and must become not only areas protected from military viewpoint, but also areas that would represent economic dynamism, investment chances, chances of better living conditions, infrastructure and capacity to develop equally with our strategic relevance,” said Mircea Geoană.

He condemned “the wild attacks” of the Russian army against the civilian and energy infrastructure of Ukraine, assuring that the eastern flank of NATO and Romania are protected.

“Only the Russian Federation is to blame for this terrible war. We will continue to support Ukraine. We will also be attentive not to escalate an already difficult conflict into a confrontation between NATO and the Russian Federation. That’s why I and the secretary general in Brussels keep this balance between the support for Ukraine and the way in which NATO acts to protect the whole allied territory, including our ally Romania,” the NATO Deputy Secretary General stated in Iasi.