
Import duties reduced in Transnistria


The average import duty for all the categories of goods in Transnistria in 2015 was by over 18% lower than in 2012. The data were published by the so-called customs committee of the region. This said that the number of goods imported duty free rose by 41%, IPN reports.

The Transnistrian press reported that the value of goods imported duty free last year was two times higher than in the previous periods. The Transnistrian administration said the system of tariff preferences on the import of goods used by enterprises to make own goods continued to develop in the period. These goods represented over 60% of the imports in 2015.

According to the presented data, the value of the goods imported at preferential tax rates exceeded US$773 million. Transnistrian experts consider the provision of tariff preferences and the zero customs duties allowed the local companies to make significant savings.