
Immediate solutions sought for solving problems faced in agriculture


Representatives of organizations of farmers said the government does not keep its promises to solve the problems confronting the agricultural sector. According to them, on July 19 Prime Minister Iurie Leanca made an order to work out a plan of action, but nothing has been done yet. The representatives of the organizations submitted a number of proposals for improving the situation in agriculture and asked that they be immediately implemented, IPN reports.

In a joint meeting of the administrative boards of the National Federation of Agricultural Producers, the National Union “Uniagroprotect” and the National Farmers Federation “Agroinform”, the farmers said they are mainly dissatisfied with the VAT and the subsidization system.

“Uniagroprotect” head Alexandru Slusari said the farmers seek the restoration of the VAT of 8% or at least the imposition of a VAT of 10%, but the money from VAT planned to be invested in the business should remain in farmers’ accounts.

The chairman of the National Federation of Agricultural Producers Valeriu Cosarciuc said that Moldova needs a grain intervention store for use in less favorable periods.

“Agroinform” deputy head Iurie Hurmuzachi said the agriculture subsidization fund has been of about 400 million lei for several years even if the state budget revenues almost doubled in six years, while the fuel prices have increased. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry proposed that the fund should be of 670 million lei next year, but the draft budgetary-fiscal policy stipulates also 400 million.

The farmers said the authorities can increase the excises on fuel and can use the earned money for subsidization in agriculture. They formulated a resolution with proposals for solving the problems in agriculture and decided to join forces so as to press the authorities into taking steps immediately. The resolution will be submitted to the responsible institutions and in two weeks the famers will hold a new meeting to analyze the reaction of the authorities and to agree the next steps.