
Ilian Casu: Early elections are most democratic solution to crisis


In the current political context, the conception of ‘lesser evil’ is irrelevant, considers the deputy head of the Political Party “Our Party” (PPPN) Ilian Casu. According to him, the early parliamentary elections are the most viable and democratic solution to the worsening political crisis in Moldova. He stated such opinions in the public debate “Which is the ‘lesser evil’ for the Republic of Moldova: unstable parliamentary majority, early elections, union, something else?”, which was the 49th installment of the series “Development of political culture by public debates”, staged by IPN News Agency in cooperation with Radio Moldova.

“It’s useless and counterproductive to speak about a minority government, stable or unstable majority. These have neither theoretical nor practical value as a solution to the current political crisis. Over the last few years, the governments have been parasitic ones. The largest part of Moldova’s population wants to have a functional state. It is evident that other ideas were also discussed, but the opinion polls confirm this,” stated Ilian Casu.

According to him, the assertions that the early elections would be a disaster represent a scarecrow of the propaganda machinery of the current regime that does not take into account the elementary elements of democracy. “’Pro-Russian’ is also a label. I do not accept such ‘Stahanovist’ statements that this is the last chance and we should give the Democratic Party the steering wheel and it will indeed show care, will do reforms and will fight corruption because it cannot be worse already. They now use this ‘pro-European’ and ‘pro-friend of the U.S.’ labels and their only thought is how to steal public funds and foreign financial assistance. During the last six years of ‘pro-Europeans’ government, they actually struggled for power. Our state is captive and the decisions are taken outside the legal framework,” said the deputy head of the PPPN.

Ilian Casu noted that the ruling parties do not have capacity and wish to implement the provisions of the Association Agreement with the EU. “Hard work and competence are needed. It’s easier to steal public money or foreign financial assistance,” he stated.

As to Moldova’s union with Romania, Ilian Casu said this project would have chances if it was implemented from down to up, not from up to down as now. “This idea took shape and became popular from political viewpoint owing to the failure of the current ruling class. Regretfully, it is presented as a panacea for the acute problems faced by the Moldovan state, but it divides further a profoundly split society and the consequences can be very serious,” he stated.

The debate “Which is the ‘lesser evil’ for the Republic of Moldova: unstable parliamentary majority, early elections, union, something else?” was the 49th installment of the series of debates “Development of political culture by public debate” that are held with the support of the Hanns Seidel Foundation.