
Ilan Shor: We will build a Moldova where every citizen will feel comfortable


“We will form the government and will build a Moldova where every citizen will feel comfortable. We will ensure the living conditions of which many dream,” the leader of the Shor Party Ilan Shor stated in a news conference on January 25, IPN reports.

According to the politician, the Shor Party, without having political and administrative instruments, showed by deeds how things can be changed to the better. “During three years, we practically rebuilt a town and do the things needed by the people,” stated Ilan Shor, referring to Orhei town, where he serves as a mayor.

“The Shor Party, not by words, but by deeds, implements the socialist agenda – compensation of tariffs, free transport, opening of kolkhozes. We plead for creating state-owned enterprises and factories,” noted Ilan Shor.

The politician said the Shor Party adopted an approach that is appreciated by the people. “Today the Shor Party works with people in localities, solves the people’s problems, helps and does what it should do,” stated Ilan Shor. He pledged to deliver his promises, noting that owing to the people’s solid support, the party is more motivated to go on.

The Shor Party was registered as an electoral contender in the parliamentary elections of February 24, 2019 and, as the other registered parties, can already start the election campaign. According to the preliminary order, the party will be under No. 5 on the ballot in the national constituency. The party’s leader runs also in single-member constituency No. 18 Orhei, where five candidates have been registered so far.