
Ilan Shor keeps post of mayor of Orhei


Ilan Shor will continue to serve as the mayor of Orhei town. The Orhei Town Council rejected the request by the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office to suspend the accused Ilan Shor from the post of mayor, IPN reports.

According to the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Penal Procedure Code provides that the prosecutor cannot challenge the decision by which the prosecutor’s request to suspend the accused from post is rejected. Only the accused has such a right. This can appeal the decision to suspend him to the judge of inquiry.

Given the lack of clear regulations about the temporary suspension procedure in the case of mayor, the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office will consider the possibility of challenging the Orhei Town Council’s decision to court, in accordance with the Law on the Local Public Administration.

Ilan Shor was arrested two weeks ago on suspicion of money laundering and swindle in a case concerning the thefts committed at Banca de Economii. At the request of anticorruption prosecutors, the Buiucani Court issued a warrant for placing Shor under arrest for 30 days. Last week the Appeals Court rejected the lawyers’ request to investigate Shor outside prison.