
Ilan Shor is allegedly in Russia. Police provide details


Politician Ilan Shor, who fled from Moldova in 2019, left Israel on February 1 and is now in the Russian Federation. The General Police Inspectorate (GPI) said that immediately after the information appeared in the press - a subject treated in TV programs on the evening of February 7 - it made additional requests to the INTERPOL NCB in Moscow and the General Secretariat of INTERPOL in Lyon, asking to urgently take the necessary measures against Shor in order to locate and arrest him, IPN reports.

According to the Inspectorate, Ilan Shor, a citizen of the Republic of Moldova and a citizen of the State of Israel, is searched internationally through INTERPOL channels for being arrested and extradited. The last time he officially crossed the state border to enter Moldova on August 17, 2018.

According to official information made public lately, starting with November 2023 Ilan Shor has travelled and had various meetings with officials from other states, especially from the Russian Federation - a fact about which the fugitive informed himself through posts published on social media sites.

More exactly, on November 6, 2023, Ilan Shor left Israel by air, identifying himself with the passport issued by the Israeli authorities in the name of Ilan Shor. Confirmation of this fact was immediately requested from the INTERPOL NCB in Jerusalem, including the other 194 INTERPOL member states, for providing any available information on the subject. The counterparts in Israel confirmed the departure from the country and later informed about Shor’s return on November 9. On November 26, but also on December 6, Shor again left Israel and this fact was confirmed by the Israeli authorities.

The INTERPOL NCB in Jerusalem also reported that Ilan Shor left Israel on January 7, 2024 for the United Arab Emirates. Information was immediately requested from the INTERPOL NCB in Abu Dhabi and assistance was also asked from the General Secretariat of INTERPOL, but the UAE authorities didn’t confirm that Shor entered their country.

The GPI noted that on January 18, it was reported that Shor Ilan allegedly has also Russian citizenship and he traveled from the UAE to the Russian Federation. A request was made to the INTERPOL NCB in Moscow, which informed that Ilan Shor is not a Russian citizen and that he was last registered as leaving the Russian Federation on December 27, 2014.

In June 2017, Ilan Shor was sentenced by the first court to seven and a half years in prison for causing damage to the state by deception and breach of trust. By the Chisinau Court of Appeals’ decision of April 13, 2023, in absentia, Ilan Shor was sentenced to 15 years behind bars. The court ordered to levy 5.2 billion lei on the politician. Ilan Shor’s lawyers challenged the decision in the Supreme Court of Justice.