
Ilan Shor intends to take Moldova out of crisis by creating modern kolkhozes


The recreation of kolkhozes, monopolies and state-owned enterprises could help Moldova overcome the crisis and ensure high living standards, mayor of Orhei Ilan Shor said when presenting the political program of the Shor Party in the economic sector, IPN reports.

The principles of the party’s economic program envision the augmentation of budget revenues by efficiently using taxes, introducing state monopolies in particular areas and attracting foreign investment.

According to Ilan Shor, the state should introduce a monopoly on the import of tobacco products and fuel and create state-run enterprises that would ensure the production of goods needed by the people. The party pleads for setting small taxes on crude oil products so as to stimulate the processing of these products in the country after the state will build oil refineries.

As to the augmentation of budget revenues, Ilan Shor gave the example of Orhei where, as he says, he managed to increase the incomes 2.5 times. This was possible after raising local taxes on the sale of tobacco and alcoholic products.

The Moldovan village could be revived by creating modern local groups or kolkhozes, while the state will provide these with equipment, seeds and long-term loans. Later they will take care of the delivery of agricultural products on the domestic and foreign markets. “These kolkhozes will be created based on voluntarism and the land will remain the private property of the people,” stated the mayor of Orhei.

He announced that the first kolkhoz of the kind will be created in Moldova soon. “I’m sure that this economic program will enable to increase the budget funds needed to do all the reforms and social and infrastructural changes,”  said the leader of the Shor Party.