
Igor Șarov about international accreditation of USM: It will help enhance competitiveness of studies globally


The Moldova State University (USM) obtained international accreditation as a result of an external assessment by the Commission of the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education within the QFORTE project, IPN reports.

Contacted by IPN for details, USM rector Igor Sharov said the international accreditation is a very important step in the recognition of the university’s academic excellence and of the high quality standards it meets. International accreditation helps to improve the university’s image and to enhance the competitiveness of studies globally. It also increases credibility before the public.

“We are honored by this accreditation to be among the higher educational institutions that are recognized worldwide, which strengthens our position as a university center of excellence in education and research,” stated the rector. Igor Sharov approved of the support and effort made by the whole academic community, from students to teachers, the personnel of the USM and graduates who make the university famous abroad.

The rector noted the university offers university and post-university programs of study at all levels. The criteria are different in the case of accreditation. It goes to academic mobility and the possibilities offered to students through the very large Erasmus scholarships. The university also offers double diplomats to university students at seven bachelor programs in partnership with the University of Bucharest, the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi and the University of Suceava.

The members of the Commission of the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education initiated the external assessment of the Moldova State University on May 29-31.

At the start of the 2022-2023 academic year, over 11,000 students were studying at the USM. More than 4,600 candidates applied to be admitted this year.