
Igor Popa nominated for prosecutor of Chisinau municipality


Igor Popa became the winner of the contest to fill the vacant post of prosecutor of Chisinau municipality. During the last three months, this held the given post on an interim basis. The winner was decided in the ordinary meeting of the Supreme Council of Prosecutors, where there were adopted a number of decisions concerning the contests to choose candidates for chief prosecutors, IPN reports.

Igor Popa was earlier prosecutor of Rascani district of Chisinau.

The Council suggested naming Eduard Masnic as prosecutor of Buiucani district of Chisinau, Victor Comerzan as prosecutor of Briceni district, Ion Chistruga as prosecutor of Edinet district, Valeriu Chitoraga as prosecutor of Ialoveni district, Mihail Vinogradov as prosecutor of Ocnita district, while Sergey Cebotari as prosecutor of Soroca district, all for the second consecutive term.

Also, Ruslan Zamfirov was proposed for prosecutor of Cahul district, while Iancu Zaporojan for prosecutor of Nisporeni district. These were chosen as winners of the contests by a majority of votes of the members of the Supreme Council of Prosecutors.

The edited decisions will be sent to the acting prosecutor general, who is to confirm or reject the candidates. Under the legislation, the prosecutors are named by the prosecutor general at the suggestion of the Supreme Council of Prosecutors for a five-year term. These cannot hold office more than two times consecutively within the same prosecutor’s office.

In the same meeting, the Council accepted the resignations of three prosecutors who worked for over 10 years in the prosecution service and decided to suspend the prosecutor of the Rascani Prosecutor’s Office who two weeks ago was arrested for acts of corruption. The Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office charged this with passive corruption and he is now investigated under house arrest.