
Igor Grosu about meeting at President’s Office: An information meeting


The meeting at the President’s Office was an information meeting and focused on the screening of the national legislation, said Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu. According to the official, the PAS parliamentary group took part in the meeting with the head of state, with European integration being a priority on the agenda. The Speaker did not rule out the possibility of creating a ministry responsible for European integration, but noted that the Government will be the one to provide details on this subject, IPN reports.

Igor Grosu said that during Thursday’s meeting at the President’s Office, they agreed how the process of scanning the national legislation will take place and decided that representatives of Parliament will be part of working groups mandated to negotiate each accession chapter.

“This is the first meeting of this year, during which I had a discussion with Missis President. Moreover, the meeting focused on informing how the process of scanning the legislation will take place. In Parliament, I asked colleagues to organize ourselves as well as possible, to have the list of mandatory bills, such as bills on the Civil Code, on the energy dimension. We discussed how this scanning will take place. In order to have a better understanding and also to have institutional memory, we agreed that Parliament will have a representative in each negotiating group on each of the accession chapters. It is up to the representatives of the opposition whether or not to participate. We decided that we will have a very clear division of roles,” Igor Grosu stated in the program “Point on Today” on TVR Moldova channel.

He said that the creation of a new ministry that will center on the European integration of the Republic of Moldova is possible. This entity will be managed by a known person who is familiar with the process of European integration.

“It will be someone who has been involved in the process of obtaining the candidate status. A well-known person who has been involved so far. But details here should be given by the Cabinet and I think this will happen in the nearest time. The people who have been involved in the process so far will continue to be involved because institutional memory matters a lot, as do the contacts established with European Commissioners, with representatives of the European Commission,” noted the Speaker.

According to the Parliament’s legislative program for 2024, which was approved at the end of the last session, priority will be given to legislative initiatives related to the process of harmonization with European Union’s norms.