
Igor Dodon: I will block initiative to enshrine European course in Constitution


President Igor Dodon said the Government headed by Pavel Filip acted against the will of the people when it approved the legislative initiative to stipulate Moldova’s European integration aspirations  in the Constitution. The President considers the given initiative, proposed by the Democratic Party, and its approval by the Cabinet are a provocation aimed at further dividing Moldovan society, IPN reports.

“Neither the current parliamentary majority, nor the Government have enough legitimacy to adopt decisions of crucial importance in the name of all the people of Moldova. I remind you that all polls show that the Parliament and the Government have the lowest popular approval ratings,” President Dodon wrote on his Facebook page.

According to the Head of State, any amendment to the Constitution concerning the country’s foreign policy course or other problems of major importance can be adopted only by the people by a referendum, which the Democratic Party will definitely lose. “Therefore, the governmental majority avoids the way of the plebiscite. As the President of the country and the guarantor of the country’s Constitution, I will block the implementation of this initiative, using all the legal methods in this regard,” said the President.

The Cabinet on January 31 approved the legislative initiative to amend the preamble and Article 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova and stipulate Moldova’s European integration aspirations and the promotion of its orientation to the European democratic system of values in these. The bill provides that the procedure for subscribing to the founding treaties of the European Union will be defined by Parliament in an organic law.