
Igor Dodon has best team and is best candidate for President, statement


The Socialists’ candidate for President Igor Dodon is better than his opponents because he has a team of professionals who help him, Socialist MP Grigore Novac, who is the trustworthy person of Dodon, stated in the electoral public debate “What kind of President is society looking for? What kind of society does the President need?”, held by IPN.

“A President needs a team that will help him. Mister Dodon has a team of professionals behind. I think the voters who signed for my colleagues who are present here include professionals, but I don’t think there are potential heavyweights. Mister Dodon is the one who can open doors to resume the exports needed by our people and can solve the problems of migrants,” stated the MP.

Asked if a team consisting of Socialists will represent the whole society, Grigore Novac said Igor Dodon’s team includes not only party members. “For example, Zinaida Grecheanyi has never been party member,” he stated.

Grigore Novac addressed the voters, saying it is important to go and vote on October 30 because they are those who can penalize the politicians. “You have enormous power and can build your future. Don’t waste your vote for candidates in the struggle against the state, for those who have been in power and made the repayment of the debts the people’s burden. Vote for a candidate who is for statehood, neutrality and traditional values and who knows how to develop a solid economy,” said Igor Dodon’s representative.

The electoral public debate “What kind of President is society looking for? What kind of society does the President need?” forms part of a series of debates that involve candidates for the office of President of the Republic of Moldova. It was the 65th installment of the series of debates “Developing political culture by public debates” that are organized by IPN with the assistance of the German foundation “Hanns Seidel”.