
Igor Dodon: Constitutional Court definitively passed to gray area of the law


President Igor Dodon said that by its judgment passed on January 2, the Constitutional Court (CC) became hostage to the own uninspired decisions and the precedents it set. In a posting on a social networking site, he wrote it is evident to everyone that the CC members accepted to ‘play’ the game of the democratic government, IPN reports.

According to Igor Dodon, the CC has to now further take controversial decisions, to the limit of the law and beyond the limit of common sense. It was expected that the CC will repeat the political trick of October 17 last year, when the President was suspended for Eugeniu Sturza to be invested as minister of defense. “The CC definitively passed to the gray area of the law. The Court reconfirmed its image of docile political instrument, not of a constitutional body,” he wrote.

President Dodon also said that the CC should have been notified by the Government or Parliament, not by MPs. “These ministers enter the Cabinet through the back door, lacking the required integrity and credibility. The good side is that the government discredits itself again before the citizens and this will disadvantage it a lot during the current electoral year,” wrote Igor Dodon.

On January 2, 2017, the CC passed a judgment, saying the Speaker of Parliament or the Premier can temporarily hold the post of President in order to issue the decree to name two nominees for deputy prime minister and five nominees for minister whom President Igor Dodon refused to appoint in accordance with the law, the candidates being proposed by the Prime Minister for two times.

The Cabinet reshuffle was announced on December 19, 2017. Cristina Lesnic, Chiril Gaburici, Svetlana Cebotari, Liviu Volconovici, Tudor Ulianovschi, Alexandru Tanase and Iurie Leanca are to enter the Cabinet as ministers and deputy prime ministers. Iurie Leanca was proposed for the newly instituted post of deputy prime minister – for European integration.