
Igor Dodon: Basescu is another trump card of Democrats


President Igor Dodon said ex-President of Romania Traian Basescu is another trump card of the Democrats. “We see that the Democrats accept to form political alliances not only with the PAS and PPPDA, but also with such ostensibly unionist forces as the PL and the PUN, if these enter Parliament. The name of Traian Basescu was also mentioned, as of a politician with whom the Democrats would form an alliance,” Igor Dodon wrote on his Facebook page, to which IPN makes reference.

According to the Head of State, the PDM’s actions this autumn, aimed against the presidential institution, form part of the preparations for the 2018 parliamentary elections. Step by step, the Democrats pave the way politically and diplomatically for a broad post-electoral coalition of the right, as they repeatedly declared, including recently through the voice of Speaker of Parliament Andrian Candu.

“I think such intentions represent disrespect for the values of Moldovan statehood and reveal the camouflaged adherence of the government to the unionist project whose main exponent is namely Traian Basescu. The union of the parties of the right is visible now that the PL, PDM, PAS and PPPDA declared in unison that they will boycott the November 19 referendum in Chisinau against the corrupt and unionist mayor Dorin Chirtoaca. This is training for the parliamentary elections, when the whole right will have the same political agenda,” wrote President Dodon.

He noted that there were other situations when the center-right mobilized politically and through the media against him as President, based on exclusively geopolitical and identity criteria. “We understand that the government wants again to play the geopolitical card in the parliamentary elections of 2018 so as to convince the West to offer support and to also impose the necessity of a coalition of the right on those from the PAS, PPPDA and PL. I inform them that the Socialists will anyway win a majority of seats in Parliament, and polls confirm this. Consequently, any coalition of the right will be a minority one and the PDM will find itself in the opposition, whiter it will suffer the consequences of its present actions,” wrote the President.