
Igor Boțan: New government has reasons not to trust law enforcement agencies


The current government does not trust the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of Moldova and has reasons for this, the project’s standing expert Igor Boțan said in a public debate entitled “Freeing Moldova from ‘Oligarchy’ and ‘State Capture’: Limits of Legality”. This was the 113th installment of the series “Developing political culture through public debates” that are staged by IPN News Agency and Radio Moldova.

“I think the new government has reasons not to trust the law enforcement and regulatory bodies given a series of things that happened and even the Democratic Party, Mister Pavel Filip admitted that the behavior of the former leader of the party was authoritarian,” stated Igor Boțan.

According to the expert, the new government is right not to have confidence in these institutions as both Ilan Shor and Vlad Plahotniuc disappeared in a similar way and this shows there was a strong connection between them. The heads of the law enforcement and regulatory agencies that are not trusted by the new government should present a summing up report in Parliament.

“The MPs should question them and present to them all the negative events that happened, this story about the investigation into the bank fraud, the nullification of the mayoral elections in Chisinau, etc. Parliament should politically assess their activity and tell them: resign as the state intuitions cannot be managed the way they were managed by you,” noted Igor Boțan.

He also said that new politicization of the state institutions should be prevented. “The Democratic Party, from the opposition, should be harsh and should bite, scratch and be constructive as regards the way in which the new managers of the law enforcement and regulatory institutions are named so that they, the Democrats, also trust that these managers will not obey political orders.”

Igor Boțan stated he is skeptical about the people’s role in the witnessed transformations. “The role of the people will remain passive, reactive and will not be active. In 2015, when we were protesting after the US$ 1 billion was stolen, after the Kroll report was published, Mister Shor, who was the main player, was chosen mayor in an urban locality in the heart of the Republic of Moldova. This was shocking for me.”

In this connection, he called on the people to appropriately assess the results and failures of politicians.

The public debate organized by IPN on July 22 involved Socialist MP Gaik Vartanean, Democratic MP Sergiu Sîrbu, ACUM Bloc (PAS) MP Vladimir Bolea and the project’s standing expert Igor Boțan. The invitation to the debate issued to the Shor Party remained unanswered.

The public debate “Freeing Moldova from ‘Oligarchy’ and ‘State Capture’: Limits of Legality” was the 113th installment of the series of debates “Developing political culture through public debates” that are held with support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany.