
IDIS expert highlights need to resume debate on Denominations Law amendments


Discussions on amending the Denominations Law should be resumed and should be held in the public eye, not behind scenes, says Ghenadie Mocanu, expert with the think-tank IDIS Viitorul, in his study titled “Social tensions following the registration of the Islamic League. Is it time for a profound debate on the Denominations Law?”. The expert argues that in a society where the Church is the institution which enjoys most public confidence and over 90 percent of the population identify themselves as Christian Orthodox, the issue of registering other religions should be treated with great forethought. Otherwise, the risk of social unrest is imminent, he suggest. “The recent emotional reactions and protests against the registration of the Islamic League in Moldova have very well proven the clergy's mobilization capacity.” On the other hand, notes Ghenadie Mocanu, Moldova has to establish clear criteria for the observance of religious minority rights, this being one condition before the European Union can ease its visa requirements for our country. “There are a number commitments which Moldova has assumed before the European institutions. To further support reforms in Moldova, the European Commission has to be sure that certain democratic processes are stable”, says Ghenadie Mocanu, suggesting that the registration of any religion in Moldova would be a right which is consistent with Moldova's commitments. According to Ghenadie Mocanu, in order to avoid further “social convulsions”, Moldova should define more clearly the concept of denomination (Ed: which in the Moldovan legislation is controversially defined as “cult”). “The current definition is so vague that it allows anyone to use it as a cover. In Romania, a minimum of 12 years of experience are needed to register a denomination, while in Moldova one needs to gather a mere 100 signatures”. In concluding, Ghenadie Mocanu states that the growing pace of modernization and adoption of Western values does not oblige Moldova to ignore the challenges that exist in respect of its own national security.