
ICT regulator recommends providers to publish more useful information for end-users


 The National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) recommends the providers of public electronic communication services to more actively use their websites to fulfill the obligation to inform the end-users about the services they provide. The regulations on the provision of public electronic communication services lay down a series of relevant obligations for the providers, IPN reports.

In a communiqué, the ANRCETI says the regulations oblige the providers to furnish free detailed, clear and updated information about the prices and tariffs of the provided services and about the conditions of offering and using these services. The providers must publish the contract with the standard clauses and must make public the hours when the end-users can have meetings to inquire about the services.

Within the monitoring and control activities this year, the Agency will lay emphasis on how the providers fulfill their obligations towards the end-users, especially as regards the publication of useful information.

The ANRCETI calls on the end-users to inform it when the providers do not fulfill their duties. The measures are aimed at increasing the protection of end-users and form part of the information campaign “Know your rights of consumers of electronic communication services”, launched by the Agency.