
I was poisoned with lead by group doing illegal activities, mayor of Cocieri


Mayor of Cocieri village of Dubasari district Sergiu Mirca said he was poisoned with toxic substances that contained lead. According to him, the poisoning was organized by group that performs illegal activities in which he does not want to take part, Info-Prim Neo reports. In a news conference on March 25, Sergiu Mirca said the alleged author acted through the agency of third persons. He forms part of a group that caries out dishonest activities whose effects are felt on the territory of the village and in the country. “The former mayor of the village is involved in the given case. He represents the PCRM and was mayor of Cocieri. The current mayor was subject to different attacks over time,” said Tudor Ciorap, deputy head of the National Independent Center for Investigations and Human Rights Defense. According to the mayor of Cocieri, the medical examinations he did at his own expense in Austria, Belarus and Germany showed that he was poisoned with lead. The substance affects the nervous system and the mental health. Tudor Ciorap said the authorities refused to investigate the case. When the mayor asked the Ministry of Health to issue him with a certificate allowing him to receive treatment at a rehabilitation center, he was told to go to the psychiatric hospital. The mayor of Cocieri also said that he has been waiting since 2009 for the authorities to come and collect evidence as there is lead in at home and in his office and car. He stated that he does not go to work, while his garage and office are sealed.