
I want to know ABOUT ELECTIONS: electoral meetings


The candidates running in elections or their trustworthy persons, when they intend to organize electoral meetings or assemblies with voters, must notify the local public authorities of the event by a statement beforehand.

Also, the applicants, in cooperation with the local public administration, must inform beforehand the competent bodies about the meeting date, hour and place so that these maintain public order and security. If need be, these will increase the number of employees on duty.

The events are not organized and held in the same place and simultaneously by two or more electoral competitors. If two or more election runners ask to stage the event in the same place and at the same hour, the local public authorities will take a decision based on the consent of the sides. If, as a result of discussions, none of the applicants agrees to modify the meeting hour and place, priority is given to the applicant who submitted the statement the first.

Inside public institutions - schools, kindergartens, hospitals and others – the electoral meetings of candidates or their trustworthy persons will be organized and held outside the working hours of the public institution. The applicants must coordinate the holding of the event with the administration of the public institution beforehand.

The organization and holding of the event must not affect the working program of the public institution. Participation in meetings with electoral competitors and/or candidates running in elections is voluntary. It is banned obliging functionaries, students, patients and other categories of people to take part in these.

If the employees are obliged to take part in electoral meetings, against their will or during the working hours, these can notify the Central Election Commission by sending an email describing the situation to the address info@cec.md.
The IPN series “I want to know ABOUT ELECTIONS” is designed to explain notions, terms and practices related to the presidential election process.