“I see clearly the future of e-Government”, expert
“I see clearly the future of e-Government,” Emilia Grajdieru, coordinator for e-Transformation of the Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure, said in the first planning and assessment workshop for e-Transformation coordinators in ministries and public authorities, organized by the e-Government Center. The purpose of the event was to determine the level of e-transformation agenda implementation, achieve objectives of the strategic program for technological modernization of governance and implement a sustainable synergy in the field of e-Government, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting a communiqué from the Center.
“The workshop opens new prospects, provides the opportunity to learn what other colleagues did and, based on their experience, to include new activities in sectoral action plans. Thus, we see prospects not only for e-Government, but also for our ministry as regards e-Transformation,” said Emilia Grajdieru.
Alexandru Rosioru, coordinator for e-Transformation of the Ministry of Health, believes that “such events reveal the real needs at the country level. The topic of the workshop is well thought out. I liked very much that all ministries’ employees expressed their view on the prospects of e-Government and exchanged their opinions”.
For her part, Tamara Rudenco, coordinator for e-Transformation within the Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre believes that the presentation of the results of her colleagues’ activity is “an impetus to development, to implementation of innovative practices, to cooperation with other ministries”.
The executive director of the E-Government Center, Stela Mocan states that “the most important is to synchronize the ministries’ efforts with the view to achieving common objectives and facilitating communication between public institutions. We need to create partnerships in the public sector in order to use what has been already developed”.
The e-Government Center will continue the activity both to efficiently use the already existing resources and to draft the sectoral e-Government projects, Stela Mocan added.
During the event, there were defined actions which would be implemented not only at the Government but also at the sectoral level in order to achieve objectives of the Strategic program for technological modernization of governance. The participants also discussed the facilitation of the exchange of information in the field of e-Government and improvement of access to government data of public nature.
In April 2011 the Government of the Republic of Moldova created the e-Transformation Coordinators Council. Thus, a coordinator for e-Transformation (technological modernization of government) was appointed within each ministry. Through this organism, the public services were selected which would be digitized as a priority and provided to citizens through the Internet, mobile phone or interactive windows.