
I don't rule out arrested children are tortured: ombudswoman


Ombudswoman Tamara Plamadeala is worried about the fate of the children arrested during the first day of the protests. The ombudswoman does not rule out the law-enforcers apply torture both physical and psychical on those children to sooner get them to confess their guilt. “I don't rule it out. I know from police there are methods to make you recognize your guilt. But I consider those treatments as inhumane,” Tamara Plamadeala has told Info-Prim Neo. The ombudswoman for the children's protection has officially asked Interior Minister Gheorghe Papuc to tell her where the children are and how they are treated. Under the law, the authorities are obliged to inform the children's ombudsman, but they do not do that. She does not rule out that the children having participated in devastating the buildings of the Parliament and Presidency would have been incited by provocateurs. The ombudswoman responsible for children has called on parents thorougher control their kids and to prevent them prom attending the violent side of the protests.