When purchasing eggs, the buyers should examine their exterior and see the laying date marked on the shell. The eggs cannot be kept for over 28 days of the laying date. The shell should be clean, hard, whole and without spots. These are recommendations made by specialists of the National Food Safety Agency before the Easter holidays, IPN reports.
It is banned selling eggs in places where they sell meat products, dairy products or and food that is eaten without being processed thermally. The cracked eggs should not be bought. The yolk and the white must have a uniform content and must not have strange smells. In case of suspicions about the quality of eggs, the buyer should seek a veterinary certificate from the seller. Egg paint should be chosen very carefully. It is banned buying paint with unmarked packing or unpacked paint as this can be typographic or textile paint that is dangerous for health.
Fresh meat should be purchased only from butcher’s shops, grocery stores and specially laid out places in markets. When touched, the meat should take the initial form and should not be sticky and smell unpleasantly. Attention should be devoted to the sanitary-veterinary control stamp. Fresh fish should be clean and have the bronchi red and without ruptures.
When buying Easter cakes, bead and other products, the buyers should attentively read the information from the label and see the production date and the period of validity. The prepacked Easter cake should be kept far from the sun as the sunrays generate humidity under the pack and mold can develop there.
The food products should be kept and prepared in accordance with producer’ recommendations.