
How Moldovans feel about and what they wish for on 28th anniversary of Independence


Some of those who demanded independence in the Great National Assembly Square, 28 years ago, say they had higher expectations. However, today there are many problems related to the population’s living standards. People want the country to be governed by honest persons, who will make history and change the future of Moldova, so that it can join the truly independent and prosperous states.

Diana Meresevski
does not know how independent can one feel in a country where one cannot make both ends meet. She says she is neither more nor less happy about the country's independence and its celebration. The day of August 27 is just as any other day. It is probably due to the fact that she belongs to the generation that grew up in the independent country, and did not fight for it. "I would like my country to be governed by people who want to make history and not for the sake of corruption, but for things that are worthwhile," Diana Mersevski said.

Marina Iaschevici
argues that independence is a complex notion. In her opinion, we all anyway depend on someone, and on each other. "Our country also depends on other states, on the relations with the Russian Federation and with Europe. Today it seems like the right steps are taken, but just how correct they are only time will show.” "I love my country, I feel good here, even if I wish more good things for it. We would like to have order in both external and internal affairs. We wish for less tension and fewer political settling of scores,” the woman says.

Ion Stihii
states that 28 years have passed and the country ranks last in Europe. "What does this mean, does it mean that we are independent? Independence manifests itself in what a person does, what he wants, if one feels free at home - which is not the case in our country. And why? Probably because we have had such bad governments,” says the man. Ion Stihii wishes the Republic of Moldova to " be abandoned by bandits and remain only with honest people".

Maria Sârghi says that in the country there are both pleased and dissatisfied people, but we have to accept the situation. Personally, her life has changed for the better, she enjoys better health and has lived to see her grandchildren grown-up and smart. She wishes the Republic of Moldova at its 28th anniversary, peace, rain, good harvests and understanding among people.

Alexandru Savca
states that he feels quite independent and every year on August 27 he feels the spirit of celebration and patriotism. The young man believes that the situation can be changed for the better. And even if there are complex problems, people still hope.

"We are dependent on external and internal factors. People depend on unstable governance. After all, no one can be totally independent. We do not have enough intelligent and serious people in the government, because problems start at the top, "
Ira Vragaleva claims. Even so, the woman mentions, the Republic of Moldova has kind-hearted and hardworking people. The country has beautiful places that citizens can be proud of.

Alexandr Culeac
lives in Transnistian region and to him both banks of the Nistru represent a whole - the Republic of Moldova. To the right of the Nistru, there is more freedom and more marked development. The man says that the solution for the reunification of the country is up to the leadership, as common citizens understand each other perfectly, regardless of ethnicity or native language. Alexandr Culeac specified that he would like to see a prosperous, well-off state, with the two banks of the Nistru united.

Eugenia Constantin
says that there is independence and sovereignty, but people had higher expectations when they went to fight for it. People wanted a better life - decent pensions and wages. In her opinion, people need to be kinder to each other, show more love and mutual respect.

On August 27, 1991, 28 years ago, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova adopted the Declaration of Independence, a document signed by 278 deputies. This founding act is marked every year as Independence Day. The original declaration burned during the 2009 protests in Chisinau, but was restored in 2010.