
How Lithuanian society is different from the Moldovan one, according to Lithuanian Speaker


The Lithuanians chose to sever its Soviet ties early on and decidedly because they maintained the traditions of independence and sovereignty in their historical memory, because they have always had a strong national identity, and also due to a newly-formed intellectual and political elite who understood the benefits of European integration, stated the Speaker of the Lithuanian Seimas Irena Degutienė in an interview with Info-Prim Neo. “Even during Soviet occupation, the Lithuanian people maintained the traditions of independence and sovereignty in their historical memory. Moreover, the Lithuanian people have always had a strong national identity. Such behavior was ensured by the fact that the path to independence was led not by Communists but by a newly-formed intellectual and political elite, which had no ties with the old political regime”, said Irena Degutienė. She went on to add that the main objective of the new elite was to free the country from the burden of planned economics. “These decisions, maybe, created a shock-therapy effect, yet they were crucial to the foundation of our modern economy”. “Lithuania, as well as other Baltic countries, still needs a lot of time to reach the average cultural and economic level of EU member-states; nevertheless, EU funds constitute about 30% of our annual Budget, which is a sizeable achievement in terms of EU membership. EU’s Neighborhood and Common Agricultural policies strengthen Lithuania’s competitiveness on the internal European market”, said Irena Degutienė, the Speaker of the Lithuanian Seimas, in her interview with Info-Prim Neo. The interview was occasioned by the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Moldo-Lithianian diplomatic ties on 10 July 1992.