
Household users can transmit gas meter readings by several methods


The household users can pass on the natural gas meter readings by several ways, including online on the website of SA “Moldovagaz”, said the company.

The meter readings can be submitted through the personal cabinet of the consumer of SA “Moldovagaz”. The online service is free and available round-the-clock and ensures full access to updated and personalized information about the consumption place.

The persons can transmit these data also through a separate section available on the website of Moldovagaz. The consumers must introduce personal account data, choose the network operator from the proposed list and indicate the current meter readings up to the comma and also the contact phone number.

The meter readings can be also inserted when paying the gas bill through the website of Moldovagaz. The service “Pay the Bill” is intended exclusively for consumption places of household users (private individuals). The bill can be paid by using the Internet Banking service of one of the nine banks operating in Moldova, which are indicated on the company’s website.

Household users can indicate the readings in the bill when they pay this in person at a commercial bank or in the offices of Moldova’s Post Office or through special applications of commercial banks, such as the platforms RunPay, Paynet and Bpay, or through ATMs of commercial banks.