
Holiday atmosphere at residential institutions


There is a holiday atmosphere at the residential institutions of Moldova. The authorities stage different artistic activities and recitals of poetry and carols with the participation of Santa Clause there. The institutionalized children will also receive presents and will have a holiday meal.

Contacted by IPN, Lilia Cires, senior specialist at the Chisinau Child Rights Protection Division, said that besides the spiritual pleasure that the children get on these holidays, they also receive candies, toys, clothes and footwear as presents. These are brought by economic entities and kindhearted people.

“Artistic activities are held at all the day community centers. These include different contests, like the contest of little fir trees and carols, and are attended also by teachers and parents,” stated Lilia Cires.

The Family and Child Rights Policies Division of the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family said that concerts are traditionally organized on the occasion of the winter holidays at the two residential institutions for children with mental disabilities, situated in Hancesti and Orhei.

At the boarding school in Hancesti, the children enjoyed a performance by actors of the Puppet Theater “Licurici”. On holidays, the administration of the institutions ensures holiday menus, while the children sing songs and recite poems.