
Holding of multiple employment record books will be punished


The holding of more than one employment record book by an employee will entail the annulment of all the entries in all the books. The Government adopted a decision in this respect as a supplement to the guidelines on keeping employment record books, Info-Prim Neo reports. The issue of the employment books has been a recurrent item on the Government's agenda in its dialogue with the social partners – the employers' organizations and the labor unions. It was even suggested that these books should be annulled altogether, as there are a lot of fake employment books which can easily be purchased. After long debates the partners agreed to adopt the aforementioned measure. It was also agreed that the immediate annulment of all the employment books would lead to increased bureaucracy during employment, as the applicants will need to spend long hours to collect all the information about their employment history, which, to some extent, would interfere with their employment rights.