
Historians of Moldova state that the anti-Romanian policy of the Government hides an anti-European policy


By promoting an anti-Romanian policy, the Government creates, in fact, an anti-European policy, the deputy-chairman of the Historians Association of Moldova (HAM), Ion Negrei declared on Wednesday, July 5 at a press conference on the historic education in Moldova. The chairman of the Association and another deputy-chairman, Ghoerghe Paladi participated at the event. According to Negrei, under the screen of European integration, the communist governing promotes anti-European actions, because excluding from the school curriculum the Romanian History and changing it by the integrated history is a prejudice to the state, separating us in this from the European family. “With the Romanians’ History we can join the family of European people, but with a soviet type history we have nothing to prove in EU, because in the European conception there is no Moldovan language, literature or history”, Negrei added. According to him, the anti-Romanian content of the integrated history textbooks can not propel us towards Europe, because Romania is a NATO member and soon EU member as well. According to Petrenco, the actions of the government are not complying with the Independence Declaration of the Republic of Moldova, which cannot be changed and where it is mentioned that the native people is Romanian and its language is Romanian. Taking these facts into consideration, the Association intends to sue the Government of the Republic of Moldova for violating the principles included in this fundamental document. At the same time, it will send to the international bodies and embassies a Memoriam translated into several languages, where it will prove to the public opinion the interference of the communist government in the historic truth. HAM is not excluding the possibility of organizing protest actions on September 1, 2006; in the case the communist government will not give up to the idea of introducing in schools the discipline of integrated history. Historians declare in favor of protest actions and for pointing out the poor condition of the teachers from villages: the teachers are old; the youngsters are going abroad, because of an improper wage and working conditions. The meeting of the historians, which took place on Wednesday at „Gheorghe Asachi” Lyceum, gathered 50 historians from the whole country. At the meeting a declaration where is drawn the attention of the public opinion about serious infringements that the present communist government is committing against the historic education of the Republic of Moldova was signed. Also on Wednesday, a committee for monitoring education was constituted, because not only the historic education is affected, but also other disciplines, by suspending the geography lessons in the fifth grade, reducing mathematics, Romanian language and literature lessons, excluding the discipline of logics from higher education institutions. Gheorghe Palade mentioned that the historians are ready to accept as a compromise, the modernization of history lessons’ teaching, that is the teaching method of the integrated history, but having as a base the principles that in the Republic of Moldova the national history is called the Romanians’ History, the national language is Romanian and the people is Romanian. The historians present at the conference expressed their desire to introduce the recommendations of Historians’ meeting in the agenda of the planned meeting of specialized ministry’s College, where the experiment of introducing the integrated history textbooks will be discussed and also the definitive introduction of this discipline will be decided.