
Historians Association: Moldova risks to become hotbed of political instability at EU's and NATO's borders


The Historians Association from Moldova condemns the Communist authorities' actions “pursuing to derail the democratic processes, to cleave the Romanian national unity.” In a statement sent to Info-Prim Neo news agency, the historians say: “We draw the attention of the public opinion from Moldova and abroad, of the European and international bodies to the disastrous state of history teaching and research in Moldova, and to the deplorable situation of democracy in this country.” “After the Communists Party came to power (2001), the democratic values and freedoms have been gradually cracked down, returning to the totalitarian model of administration in all the areas of activity of the state and society, including in research and education. The national history, language and culture have become objects of discredit, denigration, political speculation and manipulation of the public opinion,” the association members signal out. The historians are dissatisfied about dismantling the History Institute of the Moldovan Science Academy and about introducing 'integrated history' as a subject in schools. According to them, these decisions have paralyzed historical research and education. “The latest events in Chisinau have proven that Moldova risks to become a hotbed of political instability at the borders of the European Union and NATO,” reads the statement. The Association of Moldovan Historians announces it will support the electoral programs of the parties of national and liberal orientation in these parliamentary elections and calls on the Moldovan citizens to support this position. The statement has been unanimously approved by the participants in a recent conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Moldovan Historians Association.