
Higher pays for administrative-housekeeping personnel of health facilities


The salaries of administrative-housekeeping personnel of public health facilities are by 57% higher as from November 1, IPN reports.

Unqualified workers will have their salaries raised from 2,470 to 3,840 lei. The pay of qualified workers will be 5,040 lei, up from 3,240 lei earlier. The salary of specialists with higher education will be raised from 5,850 to 9,090 lei.

It was estimated that a sum of 45.8 million lei will be needed to implement the relevant provisions during the last two months of 2021. The money was earmarked in the mandatory health insurance funds, the National Health Insurance Company has said.

The authorities also undertook to provide a bonus to the medical personnel involved in the provision of medical assistance to patients confirmed with COVID-19.

The measures became possible following the amendment of the law on the mandatory health insurance funds. The incomes were raised by 313 223 lei to 11 457 321 lei, the costs by 513 223 lei to 11 857 321, while the deficit by 200 000 lei. The deficit of 400 000 lei will be covered with the balance of 686 000 lei that was available at the start of the year.