
Higher education in Moldova does not meet Bologna process norms, experts


Moldova has yet a lot of work to do to reach the university education standards of the Bologna process. This is the conclusion reached by experts of the Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDIS) “Viitorul”, included in the study “Higher education system in Moldova in the context of the Bologna process: 2005-2011”, Info-Prim Neo reports. The main goal of the study was to assess the current situation in the higher education system of Moldova and the implementation level of the objectives of the Bologna process. According to the study, the modification of the structure of the higher education did not yet produce the expected results, while most of the norms and values of the Bologna process are not widely used in the given system. The experts pointed to the absence of an autonomous university accreditation and assessment agency, the arbitrary financing, without taking into account the real necessities of the universities, the deficient university autonomy, the non-clarity as regards doctoral schools and the selection of optional subjects. Among the most serious deviations from the Bologna process norms identified in the higher education system of Moldova are the non-institution of the doctoral studies as III cycle and the confusion in the system of transferable credits. Interuniversity mobility is difficult, but achievable owing to EU programs, while internal mobility is absent. In order to bring the higher education system of Moldova closer to the provisions of the Bologna process, the experts proposed finalizing the draft Education Code as soon as possible and submitting it to Parliament for adoption. This Code is to decentralize the process of financing the scientific research and define the educational levels, reducing competition between them. The study recommends informing the students about the academic mobility options and signing cooperation agreements between universities in this respect, and instituting ‘financing per student’, based on expert forecasts. Deputy Minister of Education Loretta Handrabura approved of the study “Higher education system in Moldova in the context of the Bologna process: 2005-2011”, saying the Education Ministry will try to implement the recommendations made by the experts of IDIS “Viitorul”. The study was made on the suggestion and with financial support from the Good Governance Program of Soros Foundation Moldova by experts of the Institute for Development and Social Initiatives.