
Heavy trucks banned from traveling on national roads


The General Police Inspectorate warns drivers that if temperatures rise to over 30°C, the trucks heavier than 20 tonnes will be banned from traveling along a number of national roads, IPN reports.

The goal of the ban is to prevent the damaging of the surface course asphalt. There are road signs warning about the ban. The drivers who will not comply face a fine of at most 4,500 lei in the case of private individuals and of 12,000 to 15,000 lei in the case of legal entities.

“We call on the rivers to travel in the evening and at night, when the temperatures decline. Given that it is more difficult to drive at night, we recommend each driver to have a partner nearby so as to be able to have a rest,” the General Police Inspectorate has said.

The ban does not cover passenger transport, vehicles conveying food products and materials for the prevention or liquidation of emergencies.