
Heating season in Chisinau will begin on October 15


The heating season in Chisinau municipality will begin this year on October 15, with three days earlier than last year. First of all kindergartens, schools and medical institutions will be supplied with heat. The residential blocks will be connected after for three days in a row the temperature is lower than 8 degrees Celsius. These terms were requested on Monday, September 25, by the interim mayor Vasile Ursu during a meeting in the City Hall. According to him, the connection to the heating network of budgetary institutions and residential blocks has to be finished within 2 weeks, so that by November there are no unheated objects. The mayor also order to assemble a group that starting from Tuesday, September 26, will inspect preschools and schools with the goal to make sure that heat preserving measures were taken. In buildings in which the windows will be seriously damaged, they will be replaced with new windows that preserve much better the interior heat. According to the interim mayor, these measures are compulsory in order to save heat, paid from the budget, but also the parents’ money that pay for their children’s treatment because of the cold class rooms. According to the commercial director of „Termocom” JSC, Mihai Arusoi, preserving energy is also necessary because of the structure of the heating system by means of radiators, but also by air through a ventilation system. But ventilation was damaged over the years, so that the central heating system, designed to cover 70% of the heating needs, is insufficient to keep required parameters, the cited source added. Municipal authorities also say that the preparation process for the heating season is running according to schedule. The hydraulic system is 60% cleaned. At present, 1565 blocks are connected to the hot water network, and another 198 blocks, which are currently disconnected because of repairs, will be connected in the near future.