
Heating period launched in Transnistria


The heat started to be delivered to buildings in the Transnistrian area. The order has been inked by industry minister Pyotr Stepanov. As a result, the consumption of the natural gas delivered by Russia's Gazprom is to soar. According to recent data, Transnistria's debt for the natural gas reaches some $1.53 billion. The debt rises over $100 million annually. Till October 1, Gazprom supplied the area gas at $253 per 1,000 cubic meters, while the end user payed only $65, that is 25 %. As from October 1, the difference between the supplier's price and the price payed by the end users will increase, since Gazprom raised the price. In quarter 4, Transnistria will buy gas at $282.84 per 1,000 cubic meters. Now the Transnistrian people pay $49.47 per one thousand cubic meters, what is 17.5% of Gazprom's price, while the industrial facilities -- $109.3, what it 38.6%.