
Heating network that supplies heat to “Gh. Asachi” Lyceum modernized


“Termoelectrica” SA extensively rehabilitated the heating network that supplies heat and hot water to the Romanian-French Theoretical Lyceum “Gheorghe Asachi” in central Chisinau. About 200 meters of heat pipes have been renovated in total. The investment will enable to improve the quality and to ensure the continuity of heat supply, IPN reports, quoting a press release of the company.

“By this project to rehabilitate the heating network, we will manage to ensure the reliability of heating services provided for students and teachers of the Romanian-French Theoretical Lyceum “Gheorghe Asachi”, said Veaceslav Eni, director general of “Termoelectrica” SA.

The works to set up new pipes were completed. The area will be asphalted during the next few days. The modernization works were carried out according to the investment plan of “Termoelectrica” SA for 2021.