
Heated discussions inside AEI on commission of inquiry into monument demolition


The creation of a commission of inquiry into the demolition and deterioration of historical monuments included in the Register of Monuments Protected by the State aroused heated discussions inside the Alliance for European Integration after the Liberal Party proposed that unaffiliated MP Mihai Godea should form part of the commission, Info-Prim Neo reports. The leader of the Liberal-Democratic parliamentary group Valeriu Strelet said that Mihai Godea is very busy and will probably not be able to work on the commission. The Parliament’s regulations say the commissions must include representatives of the opposition as well. As the Communist lawmakers continue to boycotter the sittings, the Liberal Party head Mihai Ghimpu suggested that the MPs of the PLDM should field candidates in the name of the PCRM, alluding to the alliance between the two parties. The appointment of the commission’s chairman was another controversial topic. The PLDM proposed that the commission be headed by the Liberal-Democrat lawmakers Ghenadie Ciobanu, but the PL opposed. “With all due respect, but Mister Ciobanu was minister of culture and we have many monuments destroyed with the Culture Ministry’s consent,” said Mihai Ghimpu. Ghenadie Ciobanu replied that he had been minister of culture in 1997-2001 and no building was destroyed in that period. In the end, the MPs decided to return to the subject regarding the creation of the commission in the July 15 meeting. During six months, the commission is to inventory all the monuments existing in the country. According to the parliamentary commission on culture, education, research, sport and mass media, there are over 5 600 monuments of national importance in Moldova. About 420 of them are situated in Chisinau.