
Heat energy in Bălți and Chisinau more expensive


The heat energy supplied through centralized heating systems in Chisinau, Bălți and in southern Moldova will be more expensive as from October 1, as the National Agency for Energy Regulation decided, IPN reports.

The Agency approved the following heat energy prices without VAT:

- the price for heat energy supplied to consumers by SA “Termoelectrica” - 2 854 lei/Gcal;
- the price for heat energy supplied to consumers by SA “CET-Nord” - 3 052 lei/Gcal;
- the price for heat energy supplied to consumers by SA “Apă-Canal Chișinău” - 3 134 lei/Gcal;
- the price for heat energy supplied to consumers by ÎM “Antermo” – 3 187 lei/Gcal;
- the price for heat energy supplied to consumers by ÎM “Rețelelor și Centralelor Termice Comrat” -  3 342 lei/Gcal.