
Heart attack, stroke no.1 killers in 2006


Some 43,100 persons died in Moldova in 2006, by 3.5% less than in 2005. The decrease in the mortality rate was practically registered for all causes of death (except for tumours). The mortality rate was 12 deaths per 1000 individuals, compared to 12.4% in 2005. The National Statistics Bureau data revealed that the leading causes of death last year were diseases of the circulatory system (55.8%), followed by tumours (12.8%), digestive system diseases (10.2%), accidents, intoxications and traumas (8.7%), respiratory system disorders (6,1%). The death rates among men was 3.2 times higher in case of accidents, intoxications and traumas, by 1.9 times – in case of respiratory tract and 1.3 times – in case of tumours. An increase in the mortality rate of women was registered for diseases of the circulatory system (by 1.2 times). The mortality rate significantly differs from region to region. The rate of deaths caused by diseases of the circulatory system was higher in Donduseni, Briceni, Floresti, Edinet and Soldanesti raions; by tumours - in Donduseni, Anenii Noi and Rascani; digestive system diseases – in Soldanesti, Calarasi, Rezina and Orhei. The highest rate of deaths caused by external factors was registered in Dubasari and Soldanesti raions, where accidents, intoxications and traumas are the third leading causes of death.