
Health policy will be more expensive in 2015


The employees working in the national economy and the budgetary sphere will pay monthly by 28 lei more for health policy from next year, Minister of Health Andrei Usatyi said in the program “Fourth power” on N4 TV channel, IPN reports.

The minister argued that a number of hospitals this year have been outfitted with ultramodern equipment, which necessitates additional costs for maintenance. “The sum of 28 lei a month will almost not be felt by the tax payers, but when added up the amount is significant. With this last-generation equipment, we will manage to substantially increase the quality of medical services and to extend the provided services. We started to perform liver and kidney transplants and open operations on the brain. Several years ago this was impossible in Moldova. Next year we plan to perform a spinal marrow transplant. This way, we inspired hope in those who had chances of survival only if they went to be operated abroad, where such surgery costs a lot,” he stated.

In this connection, Andrei Usatyi noted that the health policy in the European area is the cheapest in Moldova, where it represents 8% of the salary. In Hungary it represents 11%, while in Romania – 15%.

The minister expressed his indignation at the perpetuation of corruption in the health sector. “The beneficiaries of medical services are to blame because they give bribe. Each citizen holding a health policy must know that they should be provided primary, emergency and hospital medical services free of charge,” he said.