
Health Center in Varnita is active, even though it has been disconnected from the gas pipeline


The Varnita Health Center continues its work, although on Saturday, December 28, Tiraspol disconnected it from the natural gas pipeline. The institution will be supplied with alternative energy resources, IPN reports, referring to the Reintegration Policy Office.

According to the BPR, the constitutional authorities are taking all measures to maintain the functionality of the Varnita Health Center and connect the medical institution to alternative energy resources. Under these conditions, the administration of the center will adjust the schedule and optimize the working premises in order to provide medical services to all its beneficiaries.

Medical services will continue to be provided by 6 doctors, 12 nurses and auxiliary staff for more than 15 000 beneficiaries, 10 500 of whom live in Bender, Tiraspol, Sucleia, Slobozia and other towns in the Transnistrian region.