
Head of Municipal Transporters sanctioned administratively


The new staff chart of the Municipal Public Transport and Communications Department, as well as the sanctioning of the head of this structure, Veaceslav Tarna, led to 2-hour debates at Chisinau Municipal Council’ (CMC) sitting, on Tuesday, June 4. From the start the independent councilor Ion Mamaliga proposed to dismiss the civil servant, on the ground that while drafting the new staff chart, Tarna did not comply with CMC decision on approving Public Transport Development Strategy, which provides dividing the Department into two subdivisions: Public Transport and Communication. Many councilors pleaded for dismissing him, especially the representative of the Communist faction Valeri Pavlov, who blamed Tarna of inappropriate organization and low quality of repair works in the center of the capital. Some of the councilors were against his dismissal, including the councilor of the Movement „Ravnopravie”, Valeri Climenco, and councilor Igor Crapivca, as well as the prosecutor of Chisinau municipality, Vasile Pascari, who mentioned that such decision has to be prepared in due time and argued, in order not be contested in court, which might consider it illegal and oblige the mayoralty to pay damages. The leader of the faction PPCD, Alexandru Corduneanu, said that for many years the citizens complain about the corruption within the Transport Department, asking Tarna’s sanctioning, as being directly responsible for the actions of the structure’s employees. As retort, Oleg Cernei, councilor of the Alliance „Moldova Noastra”, said that nobody can be declared corrupt until evidences are brought. As result of the debates, Ion Mamaliga withdrew his proposal, but the majority of CMC votes decided to apply Tarna a sanction, according to the Labor Code, for problems in the public transport and non-compliance, while drafting the structure, with CMC decisions. Veaceslav Tarna stated that while drafting the staff chart he only complied with the Government decision „On structure and staff of the mayoralties of the villages (communes), towns (municipalities)”, which was stipulating mayoralty’s staff restructuring. Thus, hew proposed to reduce the staff of the Department by 2 employees. According to Tarna, the dividing of the Department shall be proposed only at the beginning of the next year, together with the approval of the state budget for 2007.