
Harsh replies in Parliament over initiative proposed by Igor Dodon


The lawmakers exchanged harsh replies after the leader of the group of Socialists Igor Dodon suggested donating the salary for one day within the telemarathon organized by the national public broadcaster Teleradio-Moldova on the occasion of the International Children’s Day that is marked on June 1, Info-Prim Neo reports. Igor Dodon proposed putting this initiative to the vote, stressing the three Socialist MPs will donate their salaries within this telemarathon. But Speaker Marian Lupu did not accept the proposal, arguing that every MP is free to decide what to do with their pays. Dumitru Diacov, who heads the parliamentary group of the Democratic Party, said that such initiatives should be promoted discreetly. “We’d better go to villages to help the people rather than declare from the Parliament’s rostrum that we donate our salary,” he stated. The chairman of the Liberal-Democratic parliamentary group Valeriu Strelet avoided becoming involved in the exchange of replies, but said that the PLDM prepares an own charity event for June 1.