
Half of young men eligible for conscription choose studies instead


The number of conscripts that appear before the military centers to be drafted into the Armed Forces has reduced significantly, due to both demographic and socioeconomic factors, according to information presented at a Thursday meeting of the Conscription Commission, Info-Prim Neo reports. Col. Eduard Ohladciuc, head of the General Staff's Personnel Department, said that 54.9% of the conscripts examined for enrollment were eligible for postponement, and 97% of them obtained this right by continuing their studies. Statistics also reveal a sharp difference between rural and urban young men that are drafted into the Armed Forces, with the relation being 7 to 3. Military service in Moldova is compulsory and lasts 12 months. Conscription is done quarterly. In 2011, a total of 3,720 young men were drafted into the Armed Forces, including 2,300 into the National Army, 1,300 into the Carabineers' Troops and 120 into the Border Guards Service.