
Guaranteed minimum monthly income at 1,196 lei as from October 1


Starting with October 1, the guaranteed minimum monthly income will be 1,196 lei. A decision to this effect was approved by the Cabinet in its September 22 meeting, IPN reports.

Minister of Labor and Social Protection Marcel Spatari said the minimum guaranteed monthly income is used to determine the social welfare. On October 1, this will be indexed by 1.0386 given that the inflation rate in the first half of this year was 3.86%. Respectively, after indexation, the minimum guaranteed monthly income will be 1,196 lei.

In the first half of this year, about 53,000 families benefited from social welfare. The average size of the benefit was 1,096 lei.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection will formulate proposals to amend the state budget law for 2021 so as to cover the costs associated with the implementation of this decision.