
GUAM changed its title and statute


GUAM will be called further GUAM Organization for Democracy and Development. The member states - Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova – announce as goal cooperation in all fields and reiterate their European integration intentions. This decision was taken at the Heads of GUAM member States Summit held in Kiev. GUAM activity is directed towards strengthening the democracy, human rights’ protection, economic development of the member states and ensuring the security and stability. They support the need to cooperate for GUAM states’ development on the way of their economic growth, ensuring the social agreement and environment protection. The member states also announced their intention to cooperate in the humanitarian, economic, energy matters, as well as in the area of solving conflicts of certain GUAM states, fighting terrorism and extremism. They confirm the path of GUAM states for deepening the European integration and strengthening the relations with the European Union and NATO. It was highlighted the interest of GUAM states in further development of partnership relationships USA and other states and organizations, in order to achieve joint objectives. The organization is open for adhesion of other states, which share similar goals and principles. GUAM was created in the autumn 1997 by the presidents of Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova, who have concluded an intention declaration in Strasbourg.