
Grimaces of neo-paganism. Op-Ed by Victor Pelin


“The three examples of crass manifestation of socialist paganism happened namely during the campaign prior to the presidential election. Maybe those who do not stop speculating on people’s religious feelings should take off the masks of pious Christians so that everyone sees their real face and their grimaces of neo-pagan manipulators.”

Agitation of propagandists

The election campaign is over, but the propagandists continue to agitate. Evidently, they look for justifications for the defeat of their candidate whom they assured he would win the presidential elections by the first round of voting. They possessed all the instruments for influencing the voters, resorted to defamations and used hate speech against the rival of their patron. But this didn’t help them. After the defeat, the propagandists have to only resume work, this time predicting the inevitability of apocalypse, start of war, degradation at all levels, etc. All these predictions of the mentioned propagandistic weathervanes should be recorded and stored thoroughly for the next occasions for pitting them. Poor fellows. They served different, previous masters and every time lamentably failed, having to look for other masters.

One thing is regrettable – propagandists’ poor image due to wear and tear. They pretend not to know that those who seed wind reap the whirlwind. It happened so regrettably in the recent election campaign. When the boomerang returned to them, they started to predict the return of neo-paganism, gathering together all the scarecrows, their inventions and evil isms existing in this world so as to present them as omen predictions.  

Examples of authentic paganism

Combating aberrations is not worth the effort, but these deserve to be revealed sometimes, for instructive purposes. Here are only some examples of authentic paganism:

  • fortunetelling using eggs for predicting candidate Igor Dodon’s victory in the first round of voting. It is a shame and a great sin for an alleged protector of Christianity to manipulate public opinion, using the services of fortunetellers;
  • Subordination of religious feelings to the call of the blood. This is a crass manifestation of paganism by the Bashkan of Gagauzia Irina Vlah, a member of the team of Igor Dodon, who expressed her contentment that her blood brothers beat the Christian Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh. Can be there authentic Christian faith where there is pride for the victory of the blood brothers against brothers united in Christ?;
  • shameless speculation by the PSRM’s propagandist on the assertion that Moscow is the third Rome. Isn’t there the mausoleum with the remains of the militant atheist in the alleged third Rome, where the people come to kneel down?   


The three examples of crass manifestation of socialist paganism happened namely during the campaign prior to the presidential election. Maybe those who do not stop speculating on people’s religious beliefs should take off the masks of pious Christians so that everyone sees their real face and their grimaces of neo-pagan manipulators.