
Grigore Vieru’s childhood house will be repaired


The Government will allot 300,000 lei to the Ministry of Culture to publish Grigore Vieru’s poetry tome “Taina care ma apara” (The Mystery that Protects Me) and musical works anthology (transcribed for children choruses) “Roua vesniciei” (The Dew of Eternity), Info-Prim Neo reports. “Taina care ma apara” was designated the Book of the Year 2008 at the International Book Fair in Chisinau. Besides poems, the book includes more than 300 notes, comments, photos and his life story. The poet worked a year on this tome and considered it the book of his life. The Government will also allot 308,000 lei to the Briceni District Council to repair the poet’s childhood house in Pererata village. The program regarding Grigore Vieru’s commemoration was approved by the Government February 2, 2010. His bust was installed in the Alley of Classics. A musical-literary show “Strigat-am catre tine” (I Called You Out) was recorded and broadcast, while his biography was published in electronic version. Other national and local actions were also organized.